SOFT TISSUE MANAGEMENT - Mucosal detachment technique

SOFT TISSUE MANAGEMENT - Mucosal detachment technique
Marius Steigmann
Online course in English
time 1.30 hours
this is 1 procedure - Mucosal Detachment Protocol:
Surgery in Thin Phenotype
Controlled Flap Advancement
Maintaining the Vascularization
Protecting the Nerv(s)
The film can be watched repeatedly for three weeks.
The regular price: PLN 1260 (about EUR293)
Dr. Marius Steigmann works in a private practice that is limited to implant therapy and soft tissue management, in Necargemund Germany. He graduated in Dental Medicine in Neumarkt in 1987. In 2005 Dr. Steigmann received his PHD Summa cum laude from university of Neumarkt.
He is a member of multiple associations and had also received the medal of "Semmelweiss" Budapest University dental school dept. of oral and maxillofacial surgery. He is the founder and Scientific chairman of "Update Implantologie Heidelberg" 2002-2011 and the founder and director of the "Steigmann Institute".
• Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor University of Michigan Dpt. of Periodontics
• Adjunct Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania Dpt. of Endodontics
• Honorary Professor of the “Carol Davila “university Bucharest, Invited Senior Guest
• Visiting Professor university of Szeged faculty of dentistry
• Visiting professor department of Implantology in Temeschburg
• Dr. Steigmann lectures and publishes extensively
• Member of several associations (such as DGOI, FIZ,BDIZ and ICOI)
• He is a Diplomate of the ICOI and other European societies
• Member of the board of the DGOI.
• Dr. Steigmann also received the medal of “Semmelweiss“ Budapest University dental school, dept. of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
• Dr. Steigmann received his PhD from university of Neumarkt 2005.
• Founder and Scientific chairman of “Update Implantology Heidelberg” 2002-2012.
• Dr. Steigmann served as ICOI Vice President of Germany 2005-2011.
• Founder and director of the “Steigmann Institute”.
Dr. Steigmann maintains a private practice in Neckargemünd, Germany.
Over the past few years, we have realized that specific tissue handling skills are a priority in implant treatment. It is necessary to adapt the method of dealing with soft tissues to the specific anatomical conditions and biotype of each patient. For this reason, the topics of courses conducted at the Steigmann Institute are oriented towards teaching these specific and important techniques used in surgical and prosthetic procedures in a unique and comprehensive way.