Lecturer: Dr. Bernardo Nunes De Sousa   

Place:  Hotel Haffner, J. J. Haffnera street 59, 81-715 Sopot 

Price of two-day course:

early registration up to 20 February 2025 - PLN 12 900 (about EUR 2890) 

registration from 21 February 2025 - PLN 14400 (about EUR 3200)

Day 1

09.00 – 11.00 Key Principles in Full Arch Immediate Loading

11.00 – 11.15 Coffee Break 

11.15 – 13.30 Surgery Features

Anatomy, incisions and flaps 

Bone reduction 

Implant placement and abutments 

Upper jaw surgery-specifics 

Lower jaw surgery-specifics 

Primary stability hacking 

13.30 – 14.00 Soft Tissue Grafting Around Implants

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch 

15.00 – 16.45  Advanced Techniques 

Palatal Approach 

Trans Sinus 

Trans Nasal 

The Zygoma Issue  

16.45-17.00 coffee  break 

17.00 – 18.00 Hands On in Human Size Models

Day 2

09.00 – 11.00 Pterygoid Implants

Theory and Literature 

Review Anatomy (bones, muscles, vessels and nerves) 

Safe Placement Techniques 

How to locate the P-Spot (pterygoid spot) 

Dangers and Complications 

11.00 - 11.30 coffee  break 

11.30 – 13.00  Exercise on Human Specimen , Hands on in Human Size Models 

13.00 - 14.00  lunch  

14.00 - 15.30   New Age of Subperiosteal Implants 

History Old School vs New School 

Technical Specs and Proper Instalation 

Complications and Problem Solving 

15.30 - 16.00 coffee  break 

16.00  – 18.00  Hands on Subperiosteal Implants , Final words, Diploma and Networking 

To register you must fill out the application form and pay the fee for the course – only payment guarantees you a place on the course.


IBAN PL26 1140 2004 0000 3702 7407 6253


Pracownia Pozytywnych Zmian
ul. Myśliwska 13
43-450 Ustroń

If you notify us of your desire to cancel by 6 May 2025 we will refund you the full amount minus PLN 200 plus Vat. After this time, no cancellations will be accepted.

Vat invoices are drawn up on the basis of paid amount.