MDT, BDT Bernhard Egger

1962 born in Fuessen, Germany
1983 Certified Dental Technician, CDT
1990 Master Dental Technician, MDT: Master craftsman diploma at the Munich College of
Master Dental Technology
Incorporation of NATURAL ESTHETICS, a dental laboratory specialized in interdisciplinary teamwork with restorative dentists, implantologists and orthodontists
1999 Charter Faculty member of the Orognathic Bioesthetic International Institute (O.B.I) – Europe, Wuerzburg - Germany
2005 Faculty member of the Orognathic Bioesthetic International Institute (OBI), USA
Nomination as Bioesthetic Dental Technician, BDT
2007 - 2012 Faculty member of the Canadian Institute for Bioesthetic Dentistry, Calgary, AB
2008 Nomination by the European Dental Association (EDA) as Certified Specialist for Fixed Restorations
2010 - 2015 Board of Directors member of the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL TECHNOLOGY (EADT)
2013 - present Board Member of the O.B.I. Foundation of Bioesthetic Dentistry
Since 1990: Lectures, courses and publications in Europe, North America & Japan